Collaborative Minds Blog

Education to empower your mental health journey.

Embracing a More Deliberate Life
Max Kirshblum Max Kirshblum

Embracing a More Deliberate Life

A theme that often comes up in the therapy room is ideas and thoughts of what the future will hold. It doesn’t matter whether they are rooted in hope and excitement or in anxiety and stress, the theme remains consistent which is a lack of focus on the here and now. Keep reading to learn more about the importance and benefits of being present.

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Common Holiday Stressors and How to Handle Them 
Nicole Ivelevitch Nicole Ivelevitch

Common Holiday Stressors and How to Handle Them 

While the time between Thanksgiving and New Years is known as the “most wonderful time of the year,” it can also be the most stressful; in fact, one study found that a staggering 88% of Americans feel more stressed while celebrating the holidays. Keep reading to find out what some of the most common holiday stressors are and tips for handling them this holiday season.

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